Negative 2 as a decimal is written as -2.0. This is because the decimal form of a whole number is simply the number followed by a decimal point and a zero. In this case, the whole number is -2, so when expressed as a decimal, it becomes -2.0.
You just divide like you would divide any other decimal, and then... Positive and Positive = Positive Negative and Negative = Positive Positive and Negative = Negative I hope my answer helped! :)
Yes. a decimal is a positive number. you can have negative decimals too
Ten to the negative sixth power in decimal form is 0.000001
It is negative
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 6.7 x 10-2 = 0.067
The decimal would be negative. Ex: -2/3 is -0.67
A negative decimal plus a negative decimal equals a more negative decimal
It is -2.
You will have a negative decimal. For example, -754 in scientific notation is -7.54*10^2.
A negative fraction need not be a terminating decimal. For example, -2/3 = -0.66... (repeating).
-5 and a 1/2 as a decimal is -5.5