Your three hundred ninety-five (395) rounded to the nearest ten (10) is four hundred (400). The rule is that a five (5) or higher number rounds up. Numbers four (4) and lower round down.
0.093 in word form is "ninety-three thousandths." This is because the digit 0 is in the tenths place, the digit 9 is in the hundredths place, and the digit 3 is in the thousandths place. So, when read aloud, it is "ninety-three thousandths."
Three hundred ninety-one thousandths in decimal form is 0.391
The answer is 11Ten and ninety-one hundredths rounded to the nearest whole number is: 11
Six and ninety-five hundredths is already rounded the nearest hundredths place.
The answer is 190
85 to 94
It is five and ninety-five thousandths
seven (7)
Ninety and sixty thousandths is written 90.06. Ninety and six-hundred thousandths is equal to 90.6, or ninety and six tenths.
Ninety-five thousandths.