As the smallest common denominator of these numbers is 24, you would multiply 8 by 3 and 12 by 2 thus making 3 over 24 add 14 over 24.
This equals
3 over 24+ 14 over 24= 17 over 24
Answer 1
The least common denominator is 24. 1/8 = 3/24, 7/12 = 14/24. So
1/8 + 7/12 = 3/24 + 14/24 = 17/24
the answer is fifteen twenty-fourths
1/8 * 7/12 = 7/96
There are six twelfths in one half.Seven twelfths is more than six twelfths.Therefore seven twelfths is larger than one half.
3 twelfths
seven twelfths
it is eleven twelfths
1 and 10/12
7121/2 or 6/12seven twelfths
One and seven twelfths cannot be reduced.
One minus one eighth is seven eighths.