Oh honey, that's an easy one. Two sixths plus one sixth equals three sixths. And if you want to simplify it, three sixths is the same as one half. So there you have it, simple math for a simple question.
Five sixths.
well three-sixth-two-sixth is one-sixth
First convert the values into common denominated fractions, giving you four sixths and three sixths. The total is seven sixths, which is one and one sixth.
two-sixths or one-thirds in simplest form
4 sixths, or two thirds.
two sixths is not equal to 1/4, two sixths is equal to 1/3
4 sixths
Oh honey, that's an easy one. Two sixths plus one sixth equals three sixths. And if you want to simplify it, three sixths is the same as one half. So there you have it, simple math for a simple question.
One half is three sixths and one-third is two sixths. 3+2=5
one eighth of a three fourth
Two thirds
2/3 is.
5 sixths
two and two sevenths plus six and five sixths is 52.
Five sixths.