0.5 divided by 2 is 0.25 or one quarter (1/4).
Most people are used to the answer being smaller than the original number being divided. But if you divide two by one half, you get four: If you divide by numbers between 0 and 1 the result is bigger than the original number.
1/2 divided by 2 = 1/4
Two and one third divided by one half = 42/3
twenty and two and a half
Divided by two or multiplied by one half.
No, one third is less that one half. One third means that it has been divided in three parts. One half, means that it has been divided in two parts.
Two and one third divided by one half = 42/3
Six and one third divided by two and one half is 28/15
In lowest terms, two and one half divided by two and one sixth = 15/13 or 12/13
One and one half divided by two thirds = 9/4, or 2 and 1/4
1 and 1/4
A half is one of two equal parts of something divided.
twenty and two and a half
1.5 divided by 3/4 is two.