It is easier if you convert both of these fractions to the same sort:
5/7 = 50/70 and 1/2 = 35/70. So, 50/70 + 35/70 = 85/70 = 1 and 15/70
=1 and 3/14.
Nine sevenths, or one and two sevenths.
Times it reduce if possible
0.78571428571 Feel free to round it :)
Ten sevenths or one and three sevenths
5/7 - 1/2 = 10/14 - 7/14 = 3/14
Nine sevenths, or one and two sevenths.
No it is more then one half.
Times it reduce if possible
It is: 11/14
0.78571428571 Feel free to round it :)
one and five sevenths
Two sevenths are closer to a half.
Five and a half or 5.5
Five sevenths