One hundred-millionth of a centimetre is one millionth of a meter called a micrometer and written with the Greek *mju* character: µ
an ant is about one centimeter
The unit tile is one centimeter by one centimeter. The x tile is one centimeter wide by about 4.5 centimeters long.
They are incompatible units. Milliliter is a unit of volume (equal to one cubic centimeter). Centimeter is a unit of length (equal to one hundredth of a meter)
one centimeter is about the size of then end of ur finger
One square centimeter is 100 square millimeters.
A centimeter
A centimeter = 1/100 of a meter
centi means hundredths here -- a centi meter is one-hundredth of a meter; there are 100 centimeters is a meter. Compare one cent which is one-hundredth of a dollar; 100 cents is a dollar.
No, one centimeter is not equal to an inch. One inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters.
One cubic centimeter equals one milliliter. == ==
One centimeter is longer than one millimeter. There are 10 millimeters in one centimeter.
There are 10 millimeters in one centimeter.
one centimeter
One exactly
The centimeter is bigger. Each one of them has 10 millimeters in it.
One milliliter is one cubic centimeter.
One centimeter