One two hundredth (0.005).
One hundredth of a gram is 10 milligrams.
One hundredth of 7000 is 70.
One one hundredth of a hectare is an are.
A hundredth of a dollar is exactly ONE PENNY.
A chain is a measuring line in land-surveying consisting of of 100 jointed metal rods. Definition from the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.
chain surveying is one of the types of survey methods. It is used to survey short length lands
One chain = 66 survey feet.
One chain is equal to 66 survey feet.
compare chain surveying with modern technique such as total station?
Type your answer here... It is the method of land surveying in which only linear measurements are made. Chain surveying requires chain, tape and ranging rods. Chain surveying is not suitable for large areas having many details. (The term "details" means a natural or man-made features at or near the ground surface)
There is an "engineering chain" that measures 100 feet, and then there is a "surveying chain" that measures 66 feet. To get inches, simply multiply the applicable chain by 12.
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One obstacle in chain surveying is the need for a clear line of sight between survey points, which can be challenging in areas with dense vegetation, buildings, or rough terrain. Additionally, inaccuracies can arise from errors in measurement and recording when using the chain and ranging rods.
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A shot in chain measurement refers to a traditional unit of length used in land surveying. One chain is equal to 66 feet or 22 yards. It was commonly used to measure distances in agricultural and land surveying applications.