One whole is nine ninths. Nine ninths minus four ninths equals five ninths.
five ninths
five ninths
No. Three ninths is equivalent to one third.
There are 9 ninths in one whole. You will have 6 times as many ninths in 6 as you will in one whole, that is 6*9 = 54
One whole is nine ninths. Nine ninths minus four ninths equals five ninths.
One and ten ninths is 2.111...
That depends what there are one and seven ninths of.
One and 5 ninths is fourteen ninths so double that is twenty eight ninths which ends up as three and one ninth.
One-third plus three-ninths is 2/3.7/9
five ninths
five ninths
Four ninths
No. Three ninths is equivalent to one third.
one and four ninths as a decimal = 1.4444
Five-ninths must be added to four-ninths to make a whole.
There are 9 ninths in one whole. You will have 6 times as many ninths in 6 as you will in one whole, that is 6*9 = 54