One quarter of two hundred thousand is fifty thousand.
two hudred and fifty thousand is one way, one-eighth of two million is another way.
1/4 of 10,000
Two percent out of one hundred thousand dollars is two thousand dollars.
Two thousand into one billion is 500,000
One quarter of two hundred thousand is fifty thousand.
That's "one million two hundred fifty thousand", or "one and a quarter million".
1/4 (a quarter) x 1000000 (1 million) =250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand)
two hudred and fifty thousand is one way, one-eighth of two million is another way.
two hundred and fifty thousand.
Yes, it is a quarter million.
assuming 1 14 is one and a quarter 1,250,000 one million two hundred and fifty thousand
250,000 two hundred and fifty thousand
5,250,000 five and a quarter million five million, two hundred and fifty thousand
I think it is one quarter.
"P" one thousand and twenty five hundredths. or "P" one thousand and a quarter.