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The "quarter" in this case refers to a quarter hour, so that's a quarter hour (or 15 minutes) after 8.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

It is 08:15 am.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

8:15 AM

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βˆ™ 8y ago

8.15 am

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Q: What is quarter past 8 in the morning?
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Which is correct quarter past 8 or a quarter past 8?

Both are accepted, but "a quarter after" is preferred in formal writing.

What is a qauter past ten?

It is nothing. But a quarter past ten is a quarter hour after ten: that is 10:15 in the morning or evening.

Half past 8 quarter to 9?

half past 8 = 8:30 quarter to 9 = 8:45 I hope that helps answer your question.

What is quarter to nine in the morning?


What time is a quarter to 8 in the morning?

A quarter to 8 in the morning is 7:45 AM. This is because there are 60 minutes in an hour, and a quarter of 60 is 15. Subtracting 15 minutes from 8:00 AM gives you 7:45 AM.

What is a quarter 8?

825 I think A quarter of 8 is 2. A quarter till 8 is 7:45. A quarter past 8 is 8:15. A quarter plus 8 is 8 1/4. A quarter minus 8 is -7 3/4. A quarter divided by 8 is 1/32.

What would quarter past four be in 24 hour clock?

Quarter past four in the morning would be 04:15 hours.Quarter past four in the afternoon would be 16:15 hours.

What is quarter past 08 o'clock?


What is a quarter after eight?

Ah, a quarter after eight is a beautiful time on the clock. It means it's 8:15, just fifteen minutes past eight o'clock. A peaceful moment to take a deep breath and appreciate the stillness of the morning or the warmth of the evening.

How long is it from quarter to six in the morning until five past nine at night?

Don't ask me wikapedia it man

Is 945 half past nine quarter to ten quarter past ten or a quarter past nine?

Quarter to 10.

What does son las nueve y siete de la manana mean?

'It's a quarter past two/two fifteen in the morning/a.m.'