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rounding is an example of a guess .

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Q: What is rounding an example of?
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Is rounding two decimal places rounding to the hundredth?

no it is the thousandths heres an example 0. H Th tth

What would you round 3343 to?

Depends on how much you are round to: For example, rounding to nearest 10 = 3340 Rounding to nearest 100 = 3300 Rounding to nearest 1000 = 3000

Example of rounding to the nearest tenth?

73.56 rounds to 73.6

What is 5000 and 10000 rounded to?

It depends on the degree of rounding required. To the nearest whole numbers or nearest thousands, for example, they would remain unchanged.It depends on the degree of rounding required. To the nearest whole numbers or nearest thousands, for example, they would remain unchanged.It depends on the degree of rounding required. To the nearest whole numbers or nearest thousands, for example, they would remain unchanged.It depends on the degree of rounding required. To the nearest whole numbers or nearest thousands, for example, they would remain unchanged.

How should numbers in questions and answers be rounded on WikiAnswers?

There are no set rules about rounding numbers, so when rounding numbers, mathematical rules about rounding can be used. For example, 14 would be rounded to 10, but 15 would be rounded to 20. For another example, 1144 is rounded to 1140 and 1145 is rounded to 1150.

Writing 0.4397623 as 0.44 is a example of what?

Rounding to two significant digits

How can one estimate inmaths?

Rounding the numbers in the question. Example - 495 x 210 = something obscure Rounding would make this 500 x 200 = 10,000.

What is 93 decreased to 90?

93 decreased to 90 would be an example of rounding down.

What does 50 round to?

The answer depends on the extent of rounding. To the nearest thousands, for example, it is 0.

How are estimating and rounding different?

Estimating is a guess that should be close to the answer. Round is rounding a number up to the nearest ten, hundred. Example $345.89 round to the nearest dollar is $345.

How do you round 95.625 to the nearest hundresth of a millimeter?

Rounding decimals is very similar to rounding other numbers. If the thousandths place of a decimal is four or less, it is dropped and the hundredths place does not change. For example, rounding 0.843 to the nearest hundredth would give 0.84.

What is the smallest number that can round off to 42?

It depends on the degree of rounding. If, for example, you are rounding to the nearest 7 (eg for days in weeks) then the answer would be 39. If to the nearest integer, the answer would be 41.5