seventy-seven point seven percent (recurring). Just divide 7 by 9 on the calculator.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 7/9 is equal to 0.7 recurring (that is, 0.7777..)
Expressed as a decimal, five ninths is equal to 0.5 recurring (that is, 0.55555...).0.55
Two ninths of twenty-seven is six.
it is equal to 7/10 or in decimal, 0.7
0.77777777777.... continuing forever
In decimal form the answer is 1.037
7/9 written in decimal form is .77777, where the seven is a repeated decimal, meaning that it never ends0.7777 repeating
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 7/9 is equal to 0.7 recurring (that is, 0.7777..)
Seven ninths minus four ninths is 1/3.
decimal form of nine and five ninths = 9.5556
one and four ninths as a decimal = 1.4444
seven ninths.
Expressed as a decimal, five ninths is equal to 0.5 recurring (that is, 0.55555...).0.55
eight ninths as a decimal = 0.888889 8/9: = 8 ÷ 9 = 0.888889 in decimal