Two ninths of twenty-seven is six.
23 and seven ninths.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 7/9 is equal to 0.7 recurring (that is, 0.7777..)
You simply multiply 7/9 x 54 and get an answer around 42.
three ninths of 27 is 9
2 and 1/3
There are 9 ninths in a unit - seven ninths is less than nine ninths, so 7/9 <1 To visualise it, try this: Cut a pizza into nine equal slices - if they are not equal, pretend they are. If you take seven of these nine slices, you have seven ninths of a pizza. Is that not less than the whole ONE?
it is equal to 7/10 or in decimal, 0.7
2 1/36
Seven ninths minus four ninths is 1/3.
NO!!! 2/3 = 6/9 NOT 7/9
seven ninths.
5/9 = .555 7/8 = .875 Thereby, five ninths is less than seven eighths.
No, they aren't equal three fifths = 3/5 = 0.600 seven ninths = 7/9 = 0.778 Not only don't they LOOK the same, but 3/5 is 60% while 7/9 equals 77.78%
Seven of them
That depends what there are one and seven ninths of.