

Best Answer

Sine is a law in math that helps you find the length or angles in a triangle.

Sin Equals:


Law of Sines:

Sin A/a = SinB/b = SinC/c

Cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant are also used to find sides and angles of a triangle.

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Q: What is sine in math?
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When you enter a sine into your calculator and press the arc sine key you get the answer but how does your calculator convert sine into degrees?

General answer: Math Specific Answer: Taylor Series

What types of math is used in pool?

sine and cosine

What are some math words that end in e?

Sine and cosine

What is Sine in Gaelic Sine translated as?

In Irish 'sine' translates as 'nipple, teat'; it also means 'link' as in 'sine de shlabhra', link of chain.With a long mark over the 'i', Sìne is the Scots Gaelic version of "Jean, Jane, Sheena'.

How do you calculate sine value without using math function?

Using its Taylor-series.

What is the Fourier Series for x sinx from -pi to pi?

The word sine, not sinx is the trigonometric function of an angle. The answer to the math question what is the four series for x sine from -pi to pi, the answer is 24.3621.

How do you use for example in a sentence?

He made a lot of mistakes in his Math exam. For example, he confused the sine with the cosine.

What careers use the law of sine and cosine?

mechanical engineers, land surveyors, math teachers, and registered nurses.

What do sin and cos mean in math?

sin stands for sine cos stands for cosine and tan stands for tangent

How is music an element of math?

No. But there are mathematical patterns that are used in music. And all sounds are vibrations. These vibrations can be decomposed into sets of sine curves.

Logic and formal proof in math have been in existence since the time of the ancient Greeks?

True or False. Logic and proof in math have been in existence sine the time of the ancient Greeks. true

What is the math definition for simile?

Well it is not really a math definition since simile is used in all of language not just math. A simile is when you compare two nouns that are unlike, with "like" or "as." For example, learning math is as fun as answering questions. ( OK only maybe sine nothing is more fun than learning math)