2/7 of 42 is 12.
294 of them.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 7, 42/49 is equal to 6/7 or six sevenths.
Ten sevenths or one and three sevenths
36/42 - 7/42 = 29/42
6/7 * 49= 42 -Team Umizoomi
No, because if you give them a common denominator, 3/7 turns into 33/77, and 6/11 turns into 42/77. So six elevenths is larger than three sevenths.
6 and six sevenths
No, 6/7=6/7.
6/7, six sevenths
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 6, 36/42 is equal to 6/7 or six sevenths.
2/7 of 42 is 12.
6/7 of 42 is 36.
294 of them.