

What is smaller 1 3 or 1 4?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is smaller 1 3 or 1 4?
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When the numerators are the same, the bigger denominator gives the smaller fraction and the smaller denominator the bigger fraction. So 3 < 4 means that 1/3 > 1/4

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What do you call it when the numerators are the with smaller denominator?

There is no specific name.-4 is smaller than -3 and (-4)/(-3) = 4/3 is a positive improper fraction.-4 is smaller than 3 and (-4)/3 = -4/3 is a negative improper fraction.-2 is smaller than 3 and (-2)/3 = -2/3 is a negative proper fraction.3 is smaller than 4 and 3/4 is a positive proper fraction.Thus, the fraction can be negative or positive, proper or improper.

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Yes 1/9 is smaller than 1/4 1/9 = 4/36 1/4 = 9/36

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1/6 = 4/24 3/8 = 9/24 So 1/6 is much smaller.

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0.45 is smaller than 3/4 - expressed as a decimal, 3/4 is equal to 0.75.

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3/4th is not smaller than 2/4th. 3/4 =(cannot be reduced) 3/4 = .75 2/4 =(can be reduced) 1/2 = .5 .5 < .75 Therefor, 3/4(.75) is greater than 2/4th(.5)