I just recently started using polar bear semen. It's cheap, and won't leak out past your gaskets. It's hell milking them though
In digital time format, 12:45 am is represented as 00:45. This is because in the 24-hour clock system, midnight is represented as 00:00 and the hours after midnight are counted as 01:00, 02:00, and so on. Therefore, 12:45 am is equivalent to 00:45 in digital time format.
To get this right, you need to understand that we divided a whole day into 2 parts:midnight to 11:59 a.m.12 noon to 11:59 p.m.The first item listed is 24-Hour Military Time, then ordinary clock time.00:00 (zero-hundred hours) 12:00 midnight (start of the day)01:00 (one-hundred hours) 1:00 a.m.02:00 (two-hundred hours) 2:00 a.m.03:00 (three-hundred hours) 3:00 a.m.04:00 (four-hundred hours) 4:00 a.m.05:00 (five-hundred hours) 5:00 a.m.06:00 (six-hundred hours) 6:00 a.m.07:00 (seven-hundred hours) 7:00 a.m.08:00 (eight-hundred hours) 8:00 a.m.09:00 (nine-hundred hours) 9:00 a.m.10:00 (ten-hundred hours) 10:00 a.m.11:00 (eleven-hundred hours) 11:00 a.m.12:00 (twelve-hundred hours) 12:00 noon *13:00 (thirteen-hundred hours) 1:00 p.m.14:00 (fourteen-hundred hours) 2:00 p.m.15:00 (fifteen-hundred hours) 3:00 p.m.16:00 (sixteen-hundred hours) 4:00 p.m.17:00 (seventeen-hundred hours) 5:00 p.m.18:00 (eighteen-hundred hours) 6:00 p.m.19:00 (nineteen-hundred hours) 7:00 p.m.20:00 (twenty-hundred hours) 8:00 p.m.21:00 (twenty-one-hundred hours) 9:00 p.m.22:00 (twenty-two-hundred hours) 10:00 p.m.23:00 (twenty-three-hundred hours) 11:00 p.m.24:00 (twenty-four-hundred hours) (midnight)*(end of the day)Times that occur after 3pm include just these:04:00 (four-hundred hours) 4:00 a.m. 05:00 (five-hundred hours) 5:00 a.m.06:00 (six-hundred hours) 6:00 a.m.07:00 (seven-hundred hours) 7:00 a.m.08:00 (eight-hundred hours) 8:00 a.m.09:00 (nine-hundred hours) 9:00 a.m.10:00 (ten-hundred hours) 10:00 a.m.11:00 (eleven-hundred hours) 11:00 a.m.12:00 (twelve-hundred hours) 12:00 noon *13:00 (thirteen-hundred hours) 1:00 p.m.14:00 (fourteen-hundred hours) 2:00 p.m.15:00 (fifteen-hundred hours) 3:00 p.m.16:00 (sixteen-hundred hours) 4:00 p.m.17:00 (seventeen-hundred hours) 5:00 p.m.18:00 (eighteen-hundred hours) 6:00 p.m.19:00 (nineteen-hundred hours) 7:00 p.m.20:00 (twenty-hundred hours) 8:00 p.m.21:00 (twenty-one-hundred hours) 9:00 p.m.22:00 (twenty-two-hundred hours) 10:00 p.m.23:00 (twenty-three-hundred hours) 11:00 p.m. up to 11:59 p.m. *NOTE: You would NOT count 24:00 (twenty-four-hundred hours) (midnight)* (end of the day) as being after 3pm because 24:00 starts the new day.
00 Because 00x00=00 and 00+00=00
two 21:00 - 19:00 = 02:00
It is a semi-fluid grease. Typically it is used in gear boxes that are not fully sealed by gaskets. This is because it is thicker than oil, which helps keep it in the box. Standard grease will just spin away from the gear leaving it w/o lubrication. Snapper is just one brand. Most garden equipment repair shops carry it or an equivalent.
It is a semi-fluid grease. Typically it is used in gear boxes that are not fully sealed by gaskets. This is because it is thicker than oil, which helps keep it in the box. Standard grease will just spin away from the gear leaving it w/o lubrication. Snapper is just one brand. Most garden equipment repair shops carry it or an equivalent.
If it is an aluminum or steel deck 215 that has shaft drive- it was designed to remain sealed for the life of the unit. That said, you can pull the trans and split the case, clean it out and refill with similar lubricant. If it is a poly deck 215 that uses a belt - the bottom of the case can be removed. You need a 00 grease to lube these transmissions. Snapper, Stens, Rotary all package 00, as well Castrol has a nice 00 SHL synthetic.
Caliper grease, it's synthetic. The auto parts store will have it.
on the cam gear the mark should be at 6:00 or in other words the mark will be at the bottom of the gear when installed, on the crank gear the mark should be at 12:00 or at the top of the gear when installed, both marks will line up with each other.
# 00 Shell Alvania semi fluid grease
the cam gear slot is set at 6:00 and the crank gear slot is at 12:00.
7/10/07 or this sunday!!! at 8:00 - 9:00 bbc2 7/10/07 or this sunday!!! at 8:00 - 9:00 bbc2
Yes, it just makes the ratio different. Such as 1 to 3.00 instead of 3:00 to 1
Dot goes to dot. Bottom gear dot stright up at 12:00 oclock. Top gear dot stright down at 6:00 oclock.
Install the crank gear so you can see the dot on it at all times,Then turn the grankshaft until the dot on it is at 12:00 oclock,stright up. Now leave the chain off and install the cam gear the same way with the dot out. After putting all 3 bolts in the gear finger tight turn the cam gear until the dot is stright down at 6:00 O'clock stright over top of the other dot. NOW it is in time. Remove the 3 bolts and gear and then install the timing chain and gear back on being sure that the dot is stright down. While doing this be SURE that neither gear moves / rotates. Tighten the 3 bolts up and then make sure that the 2 dots are stright over top of each other. 12:00 and 6:00
9:00 pm on a 12-hour clock is equivalent to 21:00 on a 24-hour clock.