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Q: What is the IMA of a ramp that is 2 m high and 6 m long?
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Which has a greater ideal mechanical advantage a ramp that is 12 m long and 2 m high or a ramp that is 6 m long and 2 m high?

Since the heights are the same, then the longer ramp.

What is the mechanical advantage of a ramp that is 10 meters long and 2 meters high?

5J because 10/2=5

How long are the avigo skate ramp 2-in-1 combo?

the ramp is 4meters long

What is the mechanical advantage of a ramp that is 8 m long and 2 m high porch?

The mechanical advantage is 8/2 = 4.

What supplies do you need to build a 2 foot high and 4 feet long mini ramp?

all depends how big you want your ramp to be and how thick your wood is etc. etc.

What is the ideal mechanical advantage of a ramp 3 meters long and 1.5 meters high?

the mechanical advantage would be 3 because you have to do 6 divided by 2.

What is the work and force of 1kg being pushed up a 0.6 m ramp and a height of 2 m?

If it is 0.6m (long?) then how can it be 2 m high? Also, if friction is involved, this will affect the amount of force.

A constant push of 250 N is needed to slide a crate that weighs 400 N along a 2 meter long ramp If the ramp raises the crate 1 meter what is the ramp's efficiency?


How do DOGS here noises?

but its the fact ima e riding the bus anyways and i want to get out at 2 and ima have to get out at 2 anyways to go to work!!

What is the mechanical advantage of a 6-m long ramp that extends from a ground-lever sidewalk to a 2-m high porch?

Bigger is better no mater what situation. remember don't try this at home :)

What is meant by a 2 post ramp?

A 2 post ramp is a car lifting tool, they lift over the head so that a mechanic can repair underneath the vehicle, they can lift up to 4000kg vehicles as high as 1800mm. They cost ÕóëŠÕŠë£1250.

Since gravitiy was the acceleration that caused the ball to roll down the ramp Why wasnt the acceleration of the ball close to 9.8 ms2 2 reasons?

The ball rolling down the ramp might not have had time to reach 9.8 m/s^2. Also the coefficient of kinetic friction might have been high for the surface of the ramp.