LCM of 4 7 12 21 is 84
There can be only 1 LCM of a set of number and, in this case, it is 30.
The LCM of 6 and 12 is 12The least common multiple of 6 and 12 is 12... The LCM of 6 and 12 is 12 because 2*6 = 12 and 1*12 = 12
The simplest form of 12/84 is 1/7.
84 is the answer. There is 12 in a dozen so 7 dozen is 7 * 12 = 84. If its a "bakers dozen" (which is 13) then it would be 7 * 13 = 91
The LCM is 420.
84 and 1, respectively.
1 and 84, respectively.
Because any smaller positive integer cannot be divided by all the above numbers without remainder. In fact, the presence of 1, when calculating an LCM makes no difference since it will go into any integer. Also, since 12 is a factor of 84, 12 will go into any number that 84 goes into. So the presence of 12 is also irrelevant. Thus, for determining the LCM, only 30 and 84 matter.
84 and 1, respectively.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of (12,30) is 60.The lowest common multiple for two numbers can be calculated by:1. Considering the relationship as a ratio.2. Simplifying the ratio (if possible)3. multiplying each original number by the "opposite" ratio.So 12 and 30 are in the ratio of 12 to 30, that is 12:30. This can be simplified to 2:5. You will notice that if we now multiply the 12 by the 5 and the 30 by the 2 we will reach the same answer of 60. 60 is therefore the LCM.
2 x 2 x 3 = 12 2 x 7 = 14 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 = 84, the LCM
The LCF is 1 The GCF is 1. The LCM is 84.
LCM of 4 7 12 21 is 84
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 7 12 is 84.
The LCM is 60.