The prime factorization of 112 using exponents is: 24 x 7
24 x 3 x 5
24*32*52 = 3600
24 x 31 x 231
No exponents needed. The prime factorization of 85 is: 5 x 17
The prime factorization of 112 using exponents is: 24 x 7
The prime factorization for 112 using exponents is: 24 x 7
23 x 8 = 24
24 = 23*3
24 * 31
It is: 24*54 = 10,000
The are 24 and 31
23 x 3 = 24
24 = 23 × 3
23 x 3 = 24
The prime factorization of 64 with exponents is: 26