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The Pythagorean theorem is used to find the length of a side of a right triangle knowing the length of the other two side.

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Q: What is the Pythagorem theorem used for?
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What does the pythagorem state?

If you are referring to the Pythagorean Theorem, it is that a2 + b2 = c2. A and B are the two shorter sides and C is the hypotunuse. This formula applies to any right-angled triangle, where you have the known length of two sides, and want to find the length of the third side.

Can a corollary be used to prove a theorem?

Yes, the corollary to one theorem can be used to prove another theorem.

What theorem is used in vacuum tubes?

Millman's theorem

Why is the pythagorean theorem used in pyramids?

pythagoreans theorem was used to help build the pyramids

Where can Pythagoras Theorem be used?

Pythagoras' theorem can be used for right-angled triangles. Using the theorem, you are able to calculate what the length of one side of a triangle is.

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Pick's Theorem is a theorem that is used to find the area of polygons that have vertices that are points on a lattice. George Pick created Pick's Theorem.

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Both Thévenin's theorem and Norton's theorem are used to simplify circuits, for circuit analysis.

What cultures used Pythagorean theorem?

The Greek, Babylonian, Indian, and Chines knew and used the Pythagorean Theorem.

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Pythagorean theorem

What network theorem is generally used in the analysis of vacuum tubes?

Millman's theorem

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Why 4 is used in remainder theorem?

Any rational number can be used in the remainder theorem: 4 does not have a special role.