The rational number between -3 and -2 with a repeating digit is -2.3Μ 3Μ . This number can be expressed as -2.3Μ , where the digit 3 repeats infinitely. This number falls between -3 and -2 on the number line and is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction of two integers.
A decimal is rational if it:either ends and doesn't go on forever; ORit is a repeating decimal.A decimal is irrational if it goes on forever and ever and never stops without repeating.The number: 5.77777777 is rational because it goes on forever, REPEATING the same number (the digit 7).It can also repeat a group of numbers, like the number: 8.789789789789789789See how the "789" is REPEATING over and over again and never stops? That is a rational decimal!
It is rational.Any number that has a digit, or group of digits, that repeat forever is rational.
9.565565556 = 9565565556/1000000000 = 2391391389/250000000 So it is rational. However, if you mean 9.565565556... where it continues with one more 5 than last time followed by a 6 and so on forever, then no, it is not a rational. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The decimal form of a rational number either terminates or continues with the same one or more digits repeating, eg 1.5, 1.333..., 1.1818181..., 1.1666..., 1.1565656... are all rational numbers. If the decimal does not terminate nor continue forever with the same repeating digit(s) then the number is irrational. 9.565565556 as written terminates and so it a rational number. 9.565565556... does not terminate nor does it continue with the same repeating digits (as an extra 5 is inserted before the next 6), so it it irrational.
9,876,543,210 9876543210
what is the difference between the largest 8-digit number and the smallest 6-digit number
No, any repeating decimal digit is a rational number. It only states that it is non-terminating decimal. It is rational.
-2 7/37 will meet the requirements.
If the decimal of a fraction either terminates or ends with a repeating cycle of digit(s) then it is a rational number; otherwise it does not terminate nor does it have a repeating cycle of digit(s) at the end and is irrational. 0.12345 terminates as so it rational If that was repeating, as in 0.123451234512345..., then it is still rational.
An irrational number is expressed as a non-repeating decimal that goes on forever. Write out the enough of the decimal expansion of each number to find the first digit where the two numbers disagree. Truncate the larger number at that digit, and the result is a rational number (terminating decimal) that is between the two.
The decimal shows a repeating pattern. Repeating decimals are rational.
no. you can think of an irrational number as any number you don't know the last digit of. 1/2 is = to 0.5. because you know 5 is the last digit, it is rational. pi is irrational, because it does not have a last digit, it goes on forever. 10/3 or 3.33333 repeating is rational because you know 3 will be the last digit even if it is infinite. 6.7878787878 repeating would be irrational because it is not known if the 7 or the 8 is the last digit
No. 6.708204 = 6708204/1000000 = 1677051/250000 Any decimal that terminates (does not go on for ever) is a rational number. Any decimal that does not terminate, but recurs (ends in repeating digit(s)) is also a rational number, eg 0.66... = 2/3, 0.142857142857... (repeating the same 6 digits 142857) = 1/7
Yes; by the definition of an irrational number (a number with an infinite amount of changing decimal digits as the number grows minutely larger), the converse is true about rational numbers a rational number like (1/3) [0.33333333...] can be notated with a bar over any of the digits to notate a repeating decimal digit.
Being rational or irrational is not about "predicting the next digit"; the definition of a rational number is that you can write it as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator.Being rational or irrational is not about "predicting the next digit"; the definition of a rational number is that you can write it as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator.Being rational or irrational is not about "predicting the next digit"; the definition of a rational number is that you can write it as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator.Being rational or irrational is not about "predicting the next digit"; the definition of a rational number is that you can write it as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator.