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16 radical 3

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Q: What is the Square root of 768 in a radical?
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What is a radical square root?

There is no "radical square root". Radical means the same as root, it may specifically refer to the square root.

What is the Square root of 85 in radical form?

square root of 85 is 9.2195444 but the in the simplest radical is square root of 5 times square root of 17

What does a square root have?

The square root symbol is the radical sign, √.

What is the square root of 125 in radical form?

The square root of 125 in radical form is 5 x (square root of 5).

What square root property is essential to solve any radical equation involvine a square root?

What square root property is essential to solve any radical equation involving square root?

What is the square root of 768?

Sqrt(768) = 16*sqrt(3) = 27.7128 (to 4 dp)

What is the square root form of 28 in radical form?

The square root of 28 in simplified radical form is...2 * Square root of 7

Why when you want to get rid of a radical do you square it?

If the radical is the square root of a quantity, then yes.

What is the square root of 165 in radical form?

Square root of 165

What are radical terms?

A "radical" equation is an equation in which at least one variable expression is stuck inside a radical, usually a square root. The "radical" in "radical equations" can be any root, whether a square root, a cube root, or some other root. Most of the examples in what follows use square roots as the radical, but (warning!) you should not be surprised to see an occasional cube root or fourth root in your homework or on a test.

What is the square root of 5 radical 68?

Sqrt[5*radical(68)] = -6.4211 and +6.4211.

What is the square root of in simplest radical form?

the square root of 164= 2x the square root of 41