The amount left over after a division is the Remainder.
We call this left over number the remainder.
In a division such as 7 divided by 3 = 2 + 1 The number you are dividing - 7 - is the dividend The number you are dividing by - 3 - is the divisor The number you get - 2 - is the quotient The number left over - 1 - is the remainder.
The remainder.
The numbers left over from dividing a number are called the "remainder".
The amount left over after a division is the Remainder.
We call this left over number the remainder.
Depends on what you are dividing by. It can be anything up to infinity
In a division such as 7 divided by 3 = 2 + 1 The number you are dividing - 7 - is the dividend The number you are dividing by - 3 - is the divisor The number you get - 2 - is the quotient The number left over - 1 - is the remainder.
simplified the answer would be 7and 3 7's. I got that by taking 52 and dividing it by 7and putting the left over amount over 7.
The remainder.
It is called "the remainder"
A remainder is the fraction left over as a result of dividing an uneven number. 52 ÷ 3 = 17 with a remainder of 1/3.
That is usually called the "remainder".