The largest remainder will be one less than the divisor. 7 - 1 = 6.
The remainder divided by the divisor is the fraction. For example 12 divided by 7 is 1 with remainder of 5; the remainder fraction is 5/7 so answer is 1 and 5/7
To determine the remainder, you would take 63 and see how many times your divisor fits into it. That will give you a number, which when multiplied by the divisor will be less than 63, and smaller than the divisor. Subtract the result of your divisors times your quotient from 63, and that number is the remainder.
5. The remainder will never be more than the divisor.
If the divisor is 7, the quotient is 9, and the remainder is 6, then the dividend must be 69.
The largest remainder will be one less than the divisor. 7 - 1 = 6.
The remainder divided by the divisor is the fraction. For example 12 divided by 7 is 1 with remainder of 5; the remainder fraction is 5/7 so answer is 1 and 5/7
To determine the remainder, you would take 63 and see how many times your divisor fits into it. That will give you a number, which when multiplied by the divisor will be less than 63, and smaller than the divisor. Subtract the result of your divisors times your quotient from 63, and that number is the remainder.
The greatest integer remainder is 7 but otherwise, 7.999... .
Put the remainder over the divisor. 20 divided by 7 equals 2 remainder 6 or 2 and 6/7.
To find the mixed number you need to first divide to find the quotient and remainder. So 71 over 8 has a quotient of 8 and remainder 7. So the general way of writing a mixed number is dividend over divisor = quotient (remainder over divisor) dividend/divisor = quotient remainder/divisor) So 71 over 8 = 8 7/8.
There is no such thing as a quotion.