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2/7 is the best fraction

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Q: What is the answer to 6 over 21 reduced to it's lowest terms?
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21 / 26 = it's already reduced to lowest terms, the two numbers are coprime

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It is: 3/8

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75 over 21 in lowest terms = 25/7

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18 over 21 in lowest terms is 6/7

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21 over 12 in lowest terms = 7/4 or 13/4 or 1.75

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8/21 is in its lowest form

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divide by common factor 7 both terms 14/21 = 2/3

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21 over 49 in lowest terms is 3/7

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35 and 21 are both divisible by 7 35/7 = 5 21/7 = 3 35/21 = 5/3

What is 21 over 29?

21/29 is a fraction in its lowest terms