all you put was 8 6 i cant anser that without a sign of what kind of math you are doing!
when you have two digits next to each others with no sign it is generally multiplication between the two numbers. If you were using a formula which contained 'AB' within , assuming the vale of A=8 and B=6 then substuating these numbers into the formula.
8X6= 48
It is a difficult qustion to answer as you have supplied very limited information, more information would be helpful.
if its the kind of postfix expression then it is taken to be multiplication operation.
that is 86*.
6/8 - 6/8 = 0
here are all the possible combinations 6(12)+8 6(10)+10(2) 6(9)+8(2)+10 6(8)+8(4) 6(7)+8+10(3) 6(6)+8(3)+10(2) 6(5)+8(5)+10 6(5)+10(5) 6(4)+8(2)+10(4) 6(4)+8(7) 6(3)+8(4)+10(3) 6(2)+8+10(6) 6(2)+8(6)+10(2) 6+8(3)+10(5) 6+8(8)+10 8(10) 8(5)+10(4) 10(8)
6 6 5 5 6 6 -4 -4 5 -5 6 -6 -7 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 -4 -4 -8 7 -8 8 -6 -8 6 8 8 -8 7 7 -7 -7 7 -8 -7 -6 6 7 7 7 -6 -6 7 7 6 6 6 -6 7 6 -8 7
( 6 + 6 ) + ( 6 + 8 ) + ( 5 + 8 ) = 39
6 to 8 = 6/8 or 3/4
-8 - -2 = -6
6/8=.75, then .75X8= 6, so the answer is 6.