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Q: What is the answer to a 5 digit number minus a 4 digit number which equals 33333?
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What subtraction equals 33333?

66666 - 33333 = 33333

If each of the numbers 1 through 9 are used exactly once to fill in the blanks complete this equation 00000 minus 0000 equals 33333?

41286 - 7953=33333

What is the answer to a 10 digit number minus to a 10 digit number which equals to 1234567890?

Maybe something like this is what you're looking for: 3703703670 - 2469135780 = 1234567890 OR... 2345679000 - 11111111110 = 1234567890

Why do 2 digit numbers minus the two digits always equals to a number in the 9 times table?


The sum of your digits is 13 your hundreds digit minus the ones digit equals 3 No digit is greater than 7 What number are you?

It can be one of six numbers: 724, 643, 562, 427, 346, 265

The largest 5-digit number minus the smallest 4-digit number is equal to?


In the problem 10 minus 4 equals 6 what is the correct term for the number 4?

In any subtraction sum, the first digit is called the minuend. The second digit is called the subtrahend, and the answer is the difference. In this instance, the number 4 is the subtrahend.

What number minus a number equals 2566?


What number equals the number of centimeters in a meter minus the number of inches in a yard?

The centimeters in a meter (100) minus the inches in a yard (36) equals 64.

Even number minus an odd number equals?

An odd number.

Does a negative number minus a positive number equal a positive or a negative?

A negative number minus a positive number equals a minus number( E.G -5 - [+]5 = -10)A negative number minus a negative number equals a positive number ( If the number's big enough)(E.G -5 - -5 = 0 )Hope this helps :)

Odd number minus an even number equals?

an odd number.