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Q: What is the answer to this equation -10 - -3 x -8?
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What is the answer in standard form for 3 multiply by 10 to the power 8 multiply then the equation by the power 5?

There is no equation in that statement. There is only this 3 x 10^8. There has to be an equals sign, = , for there to be an equation. Please restate the term as an equality. Of course there is an equation: Answer = [3 times 10 to the eighth] to the fifth power

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4(x- 8) + 10 = -10

What is 8 equals x-2?


What is the is the answer of x plus 10 equals 18 for linear equation?

x + 10 = 18 18 - 10 = x 18 -10 = 8 x = 8

X times 3 equals 8 x equals what?

x*3=8 Multiply x by 3 to get 3x. 3x=8 Divide each term in the equation by 3. (3x)/(3)=(8)/(3) Simplify the left-hand side of the equation by canceling the common terms. x=(8)/(3)

WHAT IS X-8 equals -10?


What is the value of x in the equation -3x - 8 10?

x = -6

What is x plus 8 equals 11?

x=3 For the equation x + 8 = 11, only one step is required to solve for x Subtract 8 from both sides of the equation to get the x term by itself. 11-8=3, so x=3

How do you solve 8x plus 8 equals 32x?

Equation: 8x + 8 = 32x. x = 1/3Can start by dividing both sides by 8: x + 1 = 4x.Subtract x from both sides: 1 = 3x.divide both sides by 3: 1/3 = x, or x = 1/3.Check answer in original equation: 8/3 + 8 = 32/3. Both sides equal 10 2/3, so our answer is correct.

What equation means the sum of a number and 3 is 8?


What is the order pair for x plus y equals 10 and y equals x plus 8?

x = 1, y = 9. Here's one way to solve:Since y = x + 8, from the second equation, substitute (x + 8) for y in the first equation: x + (x+8) = 10 --> 2x + 8 = 10, and 2x = 2, so x = 1.Now y = x + 8, so substitute x=1 and get y = 1 + 8 = 9. Check your answer in the first equation: [x+y=10]: 1+9=10, which checks out.

X plus 2y equals 8 3x - 4y equals 10?

Multiply the first equation by -3