65,536 is.
A single number, such as 256196144100643616 does not represent a sequence.
256 (each number is the square of the preceding number)
65,536 is.
The sequence is generated using cubes, or n^3. The next number in the sequence will be 4^3, or 256.
The next number in the sequence 2, 4, 16, 64 is 256.
A single number, such as 256196144100643616 does not represent a sequence.
The number between 256 and 261 is 257. This can be determined by understanding that numbers increase sequentially, with each subsequent number being one greater than the previous number. Therefore, the number between 256 and 261 is the next number in the sequence after 256, which is 257.
256 (each number is the square of the preceding number)
Multiply by four to get the next number.
Each number in the sequence is the previous number divided by 4. Therefore the 7th term starting from 1024 is 0.25. The first 8 terms are: 1024, 256, 64, 16, 4, 1, 0.25 and 0.0625.
"Smiles to Go" by Jerry Spinelli has 256 pages.