Approx 9.592
To find the square root of 0.9 to 3 decimal places, you can use a calculator or a mathematical method such as the Newton-Raphson method. By using the Newton-Raphson method, you can iteratively approximate the square root of 0.9 to the desired precision. The square root of 0.9 is approximately 0.948 to 3 decimal places.
The square root of 3 times the negative square root of 3 can be calculated by multiplying the two square roots together. This results in -3, as the square root of 3 multiplied by the square root of 3 is the square root of 9, which simplifies to 3. Multiplying this by the negative sign gives us -3.
Square root of 6
2x(square root of 57) If we approximate this, it is about 15.1 but the first answer is exact and in simplest form.
1.7720045 is the approximate square root of 3.14.
An expression such as root(3) + 2 (square root of 3, added to 2) can not be simplified. Of course, you can convert the square root to a decimal and then add, to get an approximate result.
The square root of 79 is approximately 8.89. Rounding to the nearest whole number, the approximate square root of 79 is 9.
approx ±49*i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.
Because if you approximate pi, you get pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795...Square root of 3.1415926535897932384626433832795... is 1.7724538509055160272981674833411...... which is the square root of pi.Hope that helps.
The approximate square root of 150 is between 12 and 13. It is 12.2!
Approx 9.592
It is approximately 5.1769
5.2915 is. (rounded)
You can find the square root of an irrational number by approximating irrational square roots of them, after you use the calculator. (The calculator gives an approximate root also) For example,1. Approximate the square root of 4.3 to the nearest hundredth.Use the calculator, which shows 2. 0736444135.Since 3 < 5 round down to 2.07 and drop the digits to the right of 7.2. Approximate the negative square root of 10.8 to the nearest hundredth.Use the calculator, which shows -3.286335345Since 6 > 5 round up to -3.29 and drop the digits to the right of 8.