It is the solidus line or bar that separates the numerator from the denominator in a fraction.
It is usually called the division bar or the fraction bar
There is no vertical bar in a fraction. A fraction is written with either a horizontal bar or a slanted bar, which is technically called a "vinculum", but most people call it a "fraction bar".
They are called these names: 1. solidus 2. fraction bar 3. division bar
Its either called a venscule or a vinculum.
It's called the vinculum, but it can also be called the fraction bar or division bar.
The Line that separates the numerator and the denominator. It is also called as Vinculum.
A fraction bar is the line that separates the numerator and the denominator.
It is usually called the division bar or the fraction bar
The horizontal bar in a fraction is called a vinculum or, informally, a "fraction bar".
There is no vertical bar in a fraction. A fraction is written with either a horizontal bar or a slanted bar, which is technically called a "vinculum", but most people call it a "fraction bar".
They are called these names: 1. solidus 2. fraction bar 3. division bar
The top number is called the numerator and the bottom number called the denominator. The line that usually separates the numerator and denominator. If slanting it is called a solidus or forward slash, for example 3⁄4. If the line is horizontal, it is called a vinculum or, informally, a "fraction bar"
Its either called a venscule or a vinculum.
The denominator
The "fraction bar" that we usually call it is actually called the vinculum.
The solidus line separates the numerator from the denominator in a fraction.