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circumference = 9.3*pi yards

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Q: What is the circumference of a circle that's diameter is 9.3 yds?
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What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 11.5 yds?

11.5 times pi yds

What is the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 100 yds?

Circumference = diameter x Pi C=100 x 3.14 C=314yrds

What is the circumference of a circle with the diameter 3.6 yds?

Circumference = pi times D = 3.6 pi = 11.30973 yds (rounded) = approx. 11yds 11.15in

How do you measure cubic yds concrete in a circumference area?

To measure the concrete needed for a circular pad:-- Decide how thick (deep) the pad is to be. If it's in inches, divide by 12 for thickness in feet.-- Measure either the circumference or the diameter of the circle, in feet.-- If you measured the circumference, then the cubic yds of concrete needed is(0.00295) x (circumference) x (circumference, again) x (thickness) ... all in feet-- If you measured the diameter, then the cubic yds of concrete needed is(0.0291) x (diameter) x (diameter, again) x (thickness) ... all in feet

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 70 yds?

(Note: for typing purposes, pi will be represented as n) The formula for circumference is 2nr. First we need to find 'r' which stands for radius (the straight distance from the centre of the circle to the edge). Since the radius is half of the diameter, the radius is 70/2=35 yds. Now we can put 35 yds into the formula: 2*n*35 = 219.91 yds (rounded to 2 decimal places).

What is the area and circumference of a 12 yd diameter circle?

Formula for finding circumference is Pi (3.14) X diameter, so 12 yds times 3.14 = yds. Formula for area is Pi (3.14) x radius (1/2 the diameter=6) squared. So the radius squared is 6 X 6 = 36, X 3.14. You can do the math! Area will be in square yds.

What is the circumference of 3.5yds radius?

circumference of a circle = 2 * radius * pi= 2 * 3.5 * 3.14159= 21.99113 yds

What is the circumference of the circle with and area of 121 pi yd2and keep your answer in pi?

The radius a circle with area of π*121 yd2 is 11 yds [= sqrt(121)] The circumference, therefore, is 2*11*π = 22*π yards.

Area of a circle with a diameter of 8?

50.2656 square inches The formula to find the area of a circle is ∏r2. Where ∏ is the mathematical constant and r is the radius of the circle. So 3.14 x 42. = 50.27 square cm or yds, (whatever the diameter was in).

What is the perimeter of a 1.5 acre circle?

Area = π × radius² → radius = √(Area / π) Circumference = 2 × π × radius = 2 × π × √(Area / π) = 2 × √(Area × π) 1 acre = 4840 sq yds → circumference = 2 × √(1.5 × 4840 sq yds × π) ≈ 302 yds.

What is the diameter of a circle of 1 acre?

Diameter = 2 x radius Area_circle = π x radius2 → radius = √(area_circle ÷ π) → diameter = 2 x √(area_circle ÷ π) 1 yd = 3 ft 1 acre = 4840 sq yds → diameter = 2 x √(4840 sq yds ÷ π) ≈ 78.501 yds ≈ 235.503 ft Area of one acre is 43560 square feet. Diameter of circle with an area of 43560 square feet = 235.503 feet diameter. An acre was the area an ox could plough in one day; it was described by a furlong long (220 yds) by a chain (22 yds) wide, giving an area of 4840 sq yds, though it can be any shape. (A furlong is an abbreviation of "furrow long" which is the length of one furrow, standardised to 220 yards.)

Circumference of 3081 yards what does that equal in square yards?

Circumference (C) is the distance around the circle and you want to know what the area(A) of the circle is? First you must find the diameter (D) of the circle, then the radius (R), and finally calculate A. {1} If C = Pi X D, then C/Pi = D, hence 3081 / 3.1416 = 98.071046. {2} D/2 = R, hence 98.071046 / 2 = 49.035523 {3} A = Pi X R-squared; hence, 49.035523 X 49.035523 = 2404.4825 X 3.1416 = 7553.9222 sq yds.