Complementary angles are those that add up to 90. Therefore, the complementary angle of 90 is 0.
Complementary angles are found by subtracting a random angle from 90 degrees for complementary always and 180 for supplementary always
Complementary angle = 90 - 71 = 19 degrees
A pair of angles are complementary if their sum adds up to 90 degrees. Therefore, in this case, the angle complementary to 23.5 degrees is 90 - 23.5 = 66.5 degrees.
90 degrees
Complementary angles total 90o so 90 - 80 = 10; the complementary angle is 10o.
90 minus A = complementary angle
90 minus A = complementary angle
Complementary angles total 90°. The complementary angle of 27° is 90 -27 = 63°.
Subtract 35 from 90 to get the complementary angle. If you're looking for supplementary subtract from 180. 90-35 =55 . . . The Complementary angle = 55
A supplementary angle can not be a complementary angle. The complementary angle has 2 angles equal 90... but a supplementary angle is X2 that much (108). * * * * * Nearly correct. 90 x 2 is 180, not 108!
Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees
Angles are complementary if they summate to the measure of a right angle (90 degrees). 90 - .01 = 89.99
x and y are complementary so x + y = 90 and so y = 90 - x z and q are complementary so z + q = 90 and so q = 90 - z x = z so 90 - x = 90 - z that is y = q
Complementary angle of 74.2 degrees is (90 - 74.2) = 15.8 degrees
Yes, it would be complementary to an angle measuring 0 degrees.
Complementary angles are found by subtracting a random angle from 90 degrees for complementary always and 180 for supplementary always
Two angles are complementary when they add up to exactly 90 degrees. An obtuse angle is by definition greater than 90 degrees. Therefore, an obtuse angle cannot have a complementary angle. So an obtuse angle and an acute angle are never complementary.