Name 8 decimal numbers between 4.78 and 4.79
To write 2.06 as a decimal, you simply write the whole number part, which is 2, followed by a decimal point, and then the decimal part, which is 06. Therefore, 2.06 is the decimal representation of the number 2.06.
The name for decimal 0.800 is eight hundred thousandths. It is also referred to as point eight in informal circumstances.
0.6% = 0.006 as a decimal
3 over 50 in decimal form is .06.
It is: (06/28) times 100 = 21.43% rounded to two decimal places
If that's 0.6, it equals 3/5
Whisper My Name was created on 1994-06-06.
The Name's the Same - 1951 1955-06-06 was released on: USA: 6 June 1955