Since a square has right angles, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the diagonal. Specifically, the diagonal of a square is equal to the length of a side, multiplied by the square root of 2.
To convert square feet to square meters, you would multiply by 0.0929. Therefore, for a 20ft x 20ft area, you would calculate 20ft x 20ft = 400 square feet. To convert this to square meters, you would multiply 400 by 0.0929, resulting in an area of approximately 37.16 square meters.
20ft x 28ft = 560ft2
360ft² = 33.45m²
420 square feet. (21 x 20 = 420)
(12ft x 12ft) square =144 sq ft. 12ft x (12 ft square) is 1728 cu ft.
400 square feet
To convert square feet to square meters, you would multiply by 0.0929. Therefore, for a 20ft x 20ft area, you would calculate 20ft x 20ft = 400 square feet. To convert this to square meters, you would multiply 400 by 0.0929, resulting in an area of approximately 37.16 square meters.
The diagonal of a 30' x 30' square is: 42.43 feet.
=22.2967 square metres
A 12" x 12" square has a diagonal measurement of: 16.97 inches.
20ft x 28ft = 560ft2
The diagonal of a square = the length of one side x the square root of 2 (approx 1.414)
360ft² = 33.45m²
420 square feet. (21 x 20 = 420)
20ft. x 20ft.