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The diameter of the sphere is 19.6 cm.

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Q: What is the diameter of a copper sphere that has the same mass as a 8.00 8.00 8.00 cube of aluminum?
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What has more surface area a sphere or a cube?

A sphere has less surface with the same diameter.

How large is a sphere that has a cubic volume of 020?

To find the diameter of the sphere, you must calculate the cube root of the volume. The cube root of 20 is approximately 2.71. Therefore, the diameter of the sphere is twice this value, which is approximately 5.42 units.

If the volume of a sphere decreases by a factor of 27 what happens to its diameter?

The volume of a sphere is 4/3 pi R3, which shows that volume is proportional to the cube of the linear dimension. Alternatively, the linear dimension is proportional to the cube-root of the volume.If volume decreases by a factor of 27, diameter decreases by a factor of (cube-root of 27) = 3. Diameter becomes 1/3rd the original diameter.

The largest sphere to be curved out of a right circular cylinder of radius 7centimeter and height 14centimeter. Find the volume of the sphere.?

Let the radius of the largest sphere that can be carved out of the cube be r cm.The largest sphere which can be carved out of a cube touches all the faces of the cube.∴ Diameter of the largest sphere = Edge of the cube⇒ 2r = 7 cm∴ Volume of the largest sphere

How big is 400 cubic centimetres?

~7.4cm sided cube OR ~9.1cm diameter sphere

How do you find the diameter of a sphere in solution when change in solution volume after addition of sphere is given?

The change in solution volume will be the volume of the sphere. Let's call that V We know that the volume of a sphere is 4/3 Pi x r^3 So the cube root of 3v/4Pi is the radius, double it and you have the diameter. OR Volume of sphere is 1/6 Pixd^3 so 6V/Pi is the diameter cubed. Take the cube root of 6V/Pi and that is the diameter.

How do you find the height of the sphere when you know the height of the cube?

if the cube is inside the sphere you needto do some trigonometry and algebra to find out the height or diameter of the sphere. I have never heard someone ask what the height of the sphere is... i didn't think it existed. im pretty sure you need to know the diameter of the sphere. since you didnt give me any numbers to work with this is going to be a confusing explanation. first, the length of the diameter of the sphere is the same length as the length of one corner of the cube to the opposite diagonal corner of the cube. second, you can find this length by applying pythagoreans theorem (a2+b2=c2). third, since you know the height of the cube you need to find the length of the diagonal of one surface of the cube. you can do this by cutting one ofthe surfaces ofthe cubes into a triangle and using the pyth. theorem and solve for the diagonal. remember this number. now take this number and use the pyth. theorem again with the height of the cube and then ythis is the diameter of the sphere.

What is the formula for radius of sphere?

The radius of a sphere is equal to one-half the diameter. If the volume of the sphere is known, then the radius (r) is equal to the cube root of 3/4 of (Volume/pi).

How does the volume of the cube compare to the volume of the ball?

The volume of a cube is L3. The volume of a sphere is 4/3 π r3 . If L=2r, Vcube=8r3. Comparing the volume of the cube with a side 2r and a sphere with a diameter of 2r where the r's are equal gives us: Vcube/Vsphere= (8r3)/(4/3 π r3 ) or (8x3)/(πx4) As π roughly equals 3 the equation simplifies to: Vcube/Vsphere=2 or a cube with its side equal to the diameter of a sphere has a volume approximately twice that of the sphere.

A sphere of radius r is inscribed in a cube what is the volume enclosed between the cube and sphere?

volume of the cube - volume of the sphere = volume enclosed between the cube and sphere

When 8 spheres with a diameter of 1mm coalesce to form a single sphere how big will it be?

When 8 spheres with a diameter of 1mm coalesce into a single sphere, the diameter of the new sphere will be equal to the sum of the diameters of the original spheres. Each original sphere has a diameter of 1mm, so the new sphere will have a diameter of 8mm.

How do you know without doing the math whether a cube with a side of 3 cm or a sphere with a diameter of 3cm has a bigger volume?

The cube is bigger. The sphere is 3 cm across only at its middle, it is smaller everywhere else; whereas the cube is 3 cm across throughout.