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Q: What is the difference beteewn a FRS-R-40 and TRS40R fuse?
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What is the difference between a slo-blo fuse and a time delay fuse?

There is no difference. Slo-Blo is just a trademarked name for a time delay fuse.

What is the difference between gg fuse and gl fuse?

gL is the old designation for a general purpose fuse link--gG is the new name for that designation. Other than the name there appears to be no difference.

What is the difference between a 4 amp fuse and a 5 amp fuse?

1 amp

What difference does it make when you use the wrong fuse?

Using the correct fuse for the equipment in use is very important as should a fault occur using the wrong fuse could be the difference between a blown fuse or an electrical fire / severe electric shock

What is the difference between fuse wire and normal wire?

Fuse wire is designed to open under over current conditions. Just like a fuse.

What is the difference between an AGS fuse and an AGC fuse?

The ags is an obsolete fuse no longer in production. It is nearly identical to the agc except it has a larger diameter


The fuse block in in the engine compartment under a cover, the fuse panel is located in a panel you access when you open the passenger side door.

What is the difference between rewire-able fuse and catridge fuse?

the rewireable can be dissembled and has some sort of chucks to hold a new element

What is the difference bit ween T and F fuse?

The main difference between a T fuse and an F fuse is the time it takes for the fuse to blow and interrupt an electrical circuit. T fuses have a time-delay feature, meaning they can withstand temporary overloads without blowing. F fuses, on the other hand, are fast-acting and blow quickly when they detect an overload.

What is the difference between a SFE fuse and a AWG?

I think he is asking what the lettering has to do with the label on a fuse. sfe, awg acg, aug,etc. Can they be used interchangeability.

What is the difference between a fuse and a time delay fuse?

A time delay fuse will not blow at the first sign of an overload. It will delay blowing just long enough to allow a motor to start or a compressor to startup.