

Best Answer
  • A ray begins at an endpoint and extends in only one direction.
  • A half line does not include the endpoint.
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Q: What is the difference between a ray and a half line?
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What is the difference between a line segment and a ray?

a ray continues on and on but a line segment stops

What is an difference between a ray and line in math?

a line has a dot on each end and a ray only has one dot and an arrow, it keeps on going.

A line that has only one endpoint?

A ray = A half-line

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What is the difference between a line and a ray How do you show a ray in writing?

A line extends infinitely in both directions, a ray in only one. A ray can be shown by drawing a small arrow above the name of the ray, with the arrow pointing in the direction of the ray.

What is the different between a ray and a half line?

A ray starts at a point and extends forever in ONE direction. A line starts at a point and extends forever in TWO directions.

What is the difference between normal ray and the normal?

i think that normal is a line segment and normal ray is a line with an arrow head like vector to point in a certain direction....

Is ray different from segment?

A ray is different from a segement because a ray is half of a line and does not end in one side only but the segement it is half of a line that ends.

What is difference between a line and a ray?

A line extends infinitely in both directions, while a ray has a starting point and extends infinitely in one direction. A line has no endpoints, while a ray has one endpoint.

How many endpoints does a half-line have?


What is the difference between a ray line and a line segment and a line?

A ray has a single start point, and goes on infinitely in one direction. A line segment has two end points and is finite. A line has no end points and goes on infinitely in two directions.

What is the difference between a line and a line segment and aray?

line: it goes on for infinity. <---------> line segment: has 2 endpoints, does not continue. -------- ray: starts at one point, then goes on for infinity. --------->