The gross profit.
The marked price refers to the original price of a product or service as indicated by the seller. It is the price that is prominently displayed or "marked" on the product itself or on a price tag. The marked price may be subject to discounts or negotiations, leading to the final selling price.
gross profit
Profit:If the selling price(S.P.)of an article is greater than the cost price(C.P.), the difference between the selling price and cost price is called a profit. loss:If the selling price (S.P.) of an article is less than the cost price(C.P.),the difference between the cost price and selling price is called loss.
You could offer a customer a discount on selling price therefore the price they buy the goods for (sold price) would be less than the selling price
Profit or Loss is always calculated on the cost price.Cost price (C.P.): price on which an item is purchased.Selling price (S.P.): price on which an item is sold.Profit: If the selling price is more than the cost price, the difference between them is the profit incurred. Selling Price (SP) > Cost Price (CP) → ProfitLoss: If the selling price is less than the cost price, the difference between them is the loss incurred. Selling Price (SP) < Cost Price (CP) → Loss
buying price is bid, selling price is ask, difference is spread, profit is income or capital gain
Mark up is how much money that the store thinks it can make by selling the product. It is the difference between cost and selling price.
The gross profit.
A markup is what percentage of the cost price you add on to arrive at the selling price. Margin, on the other hand, is the percentage of the final selling price that is profit.
1000 - 10% = 900
Jared sold the stock for a price of 225 + A. Profit is the difference between the cost (buying the stock) and the revenue (selling the stock). So, if you add A to the cost of 225, you'll get the selling price.
Increase in the price at which you SELL the good if the cost price at which you BOUGHT/PRODUCED the good remains the same or Decreased Cost Price with a Stable Selling Price. Basically anything that would result in the difference between the Selling Price and Cost Price increasing favourably.
Gross Profit/Selling Price = Gross Margin (7.50 - 2.50)/7.50 = 66.6%
No but as a customer you can demand whatever price is marked on a good. It's your right.