645 is a 3-digit number. A single digit in a number can have a place value. A number with several digits cannot.
Ignore the digit in the ones position.If the digit in the tens position is 5 or greater, then raise the digit in the hundreds position. If not, then leave the digit in the hundreds position the same.Drop all digits that aren't in the hundreds position by making them 0's.The answer is: 500
In the particular position, it is 70,000.
Proceed from left to right, using the largest possible digit in each position.
Just write an odd digit in the one's position, and repeat that digit in the ten's position.
The first significant digit is the 5, which is in the ten-thousandth's position.
The digit 5 is in the thousands position.
Ignore the digit in the ones position.If the digit in the tens position is 5 or greater, then raise the digit in the hundreds position. If not, then leave the digit in the hundreds position the same.Drop all digits that aren't in the hundreds position by making them 0's.The answer is: 500
It is 2.
There is no digit in the hundreds poisition, but the 2 is in the hundredths position.
You have 9 options for the first position (all except zero); 9 options for the second position (any digit except the digit used for the first position; 8 options for the third position; 7 options for the fourth position; 6 options for the fifth position; and 5 options for the sixth position. Multiply everything together.
The factors of 645 are: 1, 3, 5, 15, 43, 129, 215, 645.
645 kilolitres = 645 000 litres1 kL = 1000 L