The distrubutive property.... Multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products. EXAMPLE: 3x(2+4)=18 (3x2) + (3x4) = 18
The distributive property in math is (in variable definition) : a(b+c)=ab+ac For example you could use the distributive property to simplify this expression: 3(x+4) (3)(x) + (3)(4) 3x+12 is your answer! Hope this helps! -dancinggirl25
If you want to work it in your head, try this: 21 = 20 + 1, and if we multiply we get this: 21 x 5 = (20 + 1) 5 = (20 x 5) + (1 x 5) = (100) + (5) = 105 That's the distrubutive property of multiplicatin in action. We broke the 21 down into 20 + 1, and then when we multiply that by 5, we have to multiply each "component" of the number (that is, both the 20 and the 1) by 5 to get the answer. The 5 is "distributed" over the components that make up the 21, which are (in this case) the 20 and the 1. Each one is multiplied by 5 and then the two numbers are added up to get an answer.
The distributive property states that multiplying a sum by a number gives the same result as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products together.
The commutative property of addition and the commutative property of multiplication.
Multiplication has a distributive property OVER addition, and according to it: a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c for all elements of the appropriate set.
You wouldn't. if it was something like 15(X-95) then you could use the distrubutive property but that is just a multiplication problem
The distributive property of multiplication over addition is a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c GCF(12, 24) = 12.
The distributive property in math is (in variable definition) : a(b+c)=ab+ac For example you could use the distributive property to simplify this expression: 3(x+4) (3)(x) + (3)(4) 3x+12 is your answer! Hope this helps! -dancinggirl25
Use distrubutive method
Find what is common between the two terms. 4 is a factor of 12, so 12 can be rewritten as 4*3, then you have: 4*x - 4*3, then using the distrubutive property: 4*(x-3). This is all that you are able to do with this one.
I do not think so. When you start the program it will ask for location with Windows 7 distrubutive.
Apply the Distrubutive Property twice as you do when multiplying two-digit numbers Use the FOIL methed First Inner Outter Last. In the equation (3x + 4)(9x + 1) you get. (3x)*(9x) + (3x)*1 + (9x)*4 + 4*1 Now you multiply. 3x*9x = 27x^2 3x*1 + 9x*4 = 3x + 36x = 39x 1*4 = 4 So your entire answer is (3x)*(9x) + (3x)*1 + (9x)*4 + 4*1 = 27x^2 + 39x + 4
It is an expression, not a property!It is an expression, not a property!It is an expression, not a property!It is an expression, not a property!
The multiplication properties are: Commutative property. Associative property. Distributive property. Identity property. And the Zero property of Multiplication.
Personal Property is property that is not real property nor property that is attached to the land.
Yes, investment property is real property.