

How do you multiply two binomials?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Apply the Distrubutive Property twice as you do when multiplying two-digit numbers Use the FOIL methed First Inner Outter Last. In the equation (3x + 4)(9x + 1) you get. (3x)*(9x) + (3x)*1 + (9x)*4 + 4*1 Now you multiply. 3x*9x = 27x^2 3x*1 + 9x*4 = 3x + 36x = 39x 1*4 = 4 So your entire answer is (3x)*(9x) + (3x)*1 + (9x)*4 + 4*1 = 27x^2 + 39x + 4

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It is only not needed if you know of another method. If FOIL is the only way you know to multiply two binomials, then it is definitely needed.

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kid are you stu

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multiply the 1st term with whole bracket and the 2nd term with whole bracket

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To multiply two binomials you use FOIL (first, outer, inner, last): (y-9)(y+10)=y*y+10y-9y-9*10=y2+y-90

What is a method for multiplying two binomials?

Depends on the kind of binomials. Case 1: If both binomials have different terms, then use the distribution property. Each term of one binomial will multiply both terms of the other binomial. After distribution, combine like terms, and it's done. Case 2: If both binomials have exactly the same terms, then work as in the 1st case, or use the formula for suaring a binomial, (a ± b)2 = a2 ± 2ab + b2. Case 3: If both binomials have terms that only differ in sign, then work as in the 1st case, or use the formula for the sum and the difference of the two terms, (a - b)(a + b) = a2 - b2.

How do you multiply binomials?

You use the FOIL method. First terms Outer terms Inner terms Last terms.

How is factoring a polynomial different from multiplying two binomials?

The same way that factoring a number is different from multiplying two factors. In general, it is much easier to multiply two factors together, than to find factors that give a certain product.

How do you multiply trinomials with binomials in algebra?

A binomial has two terms, while a trinomial has 3 terms. So both terms of the binomial will multiply each term of the trinomial (distribution property). After the multiplication you'll have 6 terms. Look for like terms, if there are, combine them.

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Which of the following are binomials?

The ones that are the sum or the difference of two terms.

If you multiply 2 binomials together will you always get a trinomial as a result?

philip aidan kuan, the scientist proved that trinomialis good