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It is 148000 mph.

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148000 mph

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Q: What is the estimated speed per hour in 7400 miles in 3 min?
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What Is The Estimated Speed Per Hour if the radar flying 7400 miles in 3 mins?

It is 148000 miles per hour.

If a UFO flies 7400 miles in 3 min what is the estimated speed per hour?

148,000 miles per hour.

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The speed appears to be 400 miles an hour. If you meant 400 miles, the speed is 50 miles an hour.

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Santa's estimated travel speed is at least 32,000 miles per hour.

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It all depends on what speed you're going. Take the miles you'll be traveling and divide by the estimated speed you'll be traveling. In this case, 40 divided by, let's say 35 miles per hour. This gives you 1.1 (one hour and six minutes).

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What is the speed for 50 miles in 1 hour?

That speed is described as "fifty miles per hour".

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The speed limit is 49.7 (50) miles per hour.

Speed 80mph how many miles will you do in an hour?

Eighty. That is what "miles per hour" means. It means how many miles you will go in one hour, if you keep going at that speed.