Oh, what a happy little number you've shared with us! If we want to simplify it, we can say that the expression equivalent to 72309906402 is simply 72309906402 itself. Just like every color on our palette has its own beauty, every number has its own unique value. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy little accidents.
To write the expression "35 divided by r," you would use the division symbol (÷) or a forward slash (/) to represent division. The expression would be written as 35 ÷ r or 35 / r. This indicates that the number 35 is being divided by the variable r.
The place value of the entire number 3057 is thousands. However, each individual number has it's own place values - 3 is the thousands, 0 is the hundreds, 5 is the tens, and 7 is the ones.
Well, hello there! Let's paint a happy little picture with numbers. In the number 205, the 5 is in the ones place. It's like a tiny but important detail that adds character to the whole number. Just remember, every digit has its own special place and value in the world of numbers.
How about 344.11?
The act of killing ones' own sister
well i don't know what it means in latin..but it means..as of what I know..to be up to date..tip top..first class...better then you...expression..the word speaks for itself..its where one can be obessed with ones own qualities or anothers..or..just superstitous of ones own quality..or anothers
The police officer does not own the police car, the jurisdiction he works for owns it, and yes a uniformed officer can drive an unmarked vehicle.
yes she can own
You just answered your own question. "Why does romeo get banished after killing Tyblat?"
An autoregulator is a protein which regulates its own expression.
NO they would be killing there own kind
The expression "Dig your own grave" is a metaphor which means to get one's self into trouble that they may not be able to get out of, something foolish or dangerous.
they are endangered because people are killing them for their own entertainm,entertainment and they are killing them for their fur and meat
Saddam lost his power when he started killing a lot of his own people and killing his own family members