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Edges = 3 x number of sides in end of prism

For example, a hexagonal prism would have 3 x 6 = 18 edges since there are 6 sides to a hexagon.

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Q: What is the expression for the number of edges of a prism?
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Can a prism have seven more edges than it has vertices?

Oh, isn't that a happy little question! Let's think about it together. A prism has 2 bases and the same number of edges as the number of sides on those bases, plus the number of edges connecting the corresponding vertices on the bases. So, a prism can't have seven more edges than vertices because the number of edges is determined by the number of sides on the bases and the number of vertices.

What statement is true about the number of edges of any prism?

It is triple the number of edges on one base.

What method can you use to find the number of edges in a pentagonal prism?

A prism with an n-sided base will have 2n vertices, n + 2 faces, and 3n edges. A pentagonal prism has 15 edges.

What is the formula for the number of edges on a prism?

the formula is (vertices+faces)- 2= edges

Which statement is true about the number of edges of any prism?

It is three times the number of sides on a base of the prism.

How many edges in a ten sided prism?

number of edges of a n-sided (n>2) prism is 3n. In this case, 30.