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add all of the triangle area in a pentagon to get area

The area A of a regular polygon with n sides each s units long, perimeter p, and apothem a:

A = (ans)/2 or A = (ap)/2.

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Q: What is the formula for calculating the area of the pentagon shape?
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What is the formula for calculating the area of a regular pentagon?

The formula is 1/2 (apothem) (perimeter)

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What is the Equation for volume of a pentagon?

A pentagon is a 2-D shape. You can't find the volume of it unless it's 3-D. The formula for the area of a pentagon has something to do with the perimeter, the number of sides, the apothem, and the number 2.

What is the formula for the area of a pentagon?

180° (n - 2), where n is the number of sides.

What is the formula for the pentagon?

Any 5 sided polygon is a pentagon. There is no formula for it. We have formulas for area and perimeter. Perhaps that is what you are asking?

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room is in cuboid shape, so by calculating length(L),breadth(B),height(H) we can find area by formula AREA=L*B*H

What is the formula for finding the volume of a pentagon? will help you. that's only regular, though. Then, you can multiply the height with the area.

What is volume and surface area of pentagon?

A pentagon is a 2D shape. Volume and Surface Area is only found in 3D shapes.

Whats the area formula for a pentagon?

A = s2 * 1.72