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180° (n - 2), where n is the number of sides. <---------Formula for ANGLE measures.

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Q: What is the formula for the area of a pentagon?
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What is the formula for the pentagon?

Any 5 sided polygon is a pentagon. There is no formula for it. We have formulas for area and perimeter. Perhaps that is what you are asking?

Whats the area formula for a pentagon?

A = s2 * 1.72

What is the surface area of a pentagon formula?

dim dim

What is the formula for calculating the area of a regular pentagon?

The formula is 1/2 (apothem) (perimeter)

What is the formula for a pentagon in math?

It is a plane area enclosed by five straight lines.

What is the surface area formula for a dodecahedron?

the surface area formula is difficult to understand. there is another way to do find the area of one pentagon. then u multiply it by the number of faces which is 12.

What is the area of a regular pentagon if the radius is 8 meters?

To find the area of a regular pentagon, you can use the formula area is equal to n multiplied by r raised to the second power time tan pi/n, where n is the number of sides or 5 and r is the radius. Using the formula, the area is 232.33 square meters.

What is the Equation for volume of a pentagon?

A pentagon is a 2-D shape. You can't find the volume of it unless it's 3-D. The formula for the area of a pentagon has something to do with the perimeter, the number of sides, the apothem, and the number 2.

How do you calculate the area of an pentagonWhy?

The area (A) formula of a regular pentagon of side length (a) is: A = [a2x(25+10x51/2)1/2]/4 See the why in the development of such formula in the weblink below.

What is the formula for calculating the area of the pentagon shape?

add all of the triangle area in a pentagon to get areaThe area A of a regular polygon with n sides each s units long, perimeter p, and apothem a:A = (ans)/2 or A = (ap)/2.

Is there a simpler formula for the area of a regular pentagon of side S than 5S squared over 4 tan36?


What Formula for perimeter of pentagon?

The perimeter of a pentagon is the sum of its 5 sides