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Q: What is the fraction of the human genome that actually codes for protein?
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Does all of the genome make protein?

No, in fact, only a small portion of the genome codes for protein synthesis. Most of the genome, as far as we can determine, does not synthesize protein but instead helps to determine when the genes that synthesize protein will be activated. That, apparently, is the more complicated problem. There are also sections of the genome that are essentially parasitic, and have no apparent function. They are just going along for the ride.

What does the word gene?

A gene is a functional unit on DNA. A gene codes for a protein. Most of the DNA in a genome does not code for protein. These non-coding sequences are thought to provide a sense of stability and integrity to the genome. If a DNA sequence is capable of coding for a functional protein, then it is a gene

What is a gene and genome?

A genome is all genetic data of a single cell. That includes the genes in the nucleus, but also that of mitochondrial DNA.A gene is a section of the genome which codes for one protein. It consists of various codons.Every single codon codes for one amino acid (Many amino-acids put together form a protein). Every codon consists of three adjacent nucleotides.

The Human Genome Project can help genetic engineers produce human proteins because?

to produce a protein, geneticists must know the sequence of DNA bases that codes for the protein.

What is the meaning of thr word genes?

A gene is a functional unit on DNA. A gene codes for a protein. Most of the DNA in a genome does not code for protein. These non-coding sequences are thought to provide a sense of stability and integrity to the genome. If a DNA sequence is capable of coding for a functional protein, then it is a gene

Gene therapy which includes the correction of defective genes is a significant part of the human genome project. Which of these is an application of the technique?

a new gene which codes for the protein that can repair defective genes is introduced.

What are genes and alleles?

The functional part of DNA is a gene. All the DNA in an organism does not code for protein. In fact, only a fraction of the genome codes for protein. The part of the DNA that codes for protein is called a gene. Different forms of the same gene are called alleles. There are alleles controlling phenotypic features such as eye color and height of the individual Although these features are controlled by the same gene, different features can result depending on which allele is expressed.

How much DNA codes for proteins?

Approximately 1.5% of the human genome codes for protein. The amount of functional RNA produces is only a fraction higher than this amout. This is because many RNA molecules have a very short half life and there has to be enough steady state RNA to code for protein

When do you see a dominate trait?

When the allele that codes for the dominant trait is expressed in the genome.

What is the section of DNA that codes for a protein called?

The section of DNA that codes for a protein is known as a gene.

Explain what is meant by cds in bioinformatics term?

CDS means "coding sequence," i.e. the part of the gene that codes for a protein. Bioinformatics studies computational algorithms and mathematical models that help identify regions in the genome that are likely to be CDS's.

What is the coding region in DNA transcription?

The coding region of a gene is that portion of a gene's DNA or RNA, composed of exons, that codes for protein. The coding region of an organism is the sum total of the organism's genome.